Placenta variations: Bilobed & Battledore

Placenta variations: Bilobed & Battledore

Bi-lobed: This is when the placenta has two near equal-sized lobes. It may form if the uterus is an unusual shape. It can also be caused by one part of the placenta implanting in the front of the uterus and another part of the placenta attaching to the back of the uterus. It is NOT caused by a twin pregnancy (even though this is a common myth). According to it is estimated to occur in around 4% of pregnancies.

Battledore/Marginal Insertion: This is when the umbilical cord inserts into the rim of the placenta (rather than in the middle). It is called ‘battledore’ because the placenta looks like a racket used in the game battledore (similar to badminton). If the umbilical cord inserts not quite centrally and not quite on the margin, it is called an eccentric insertion.

Placenta variations: Bilobed & Battledore

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