Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB) Ecg Criteria

The ECG criteria for a right bundle branch block include the following: QRS duration greater than 120 milliseconds. rsR’ “bunny ear” pattern in the anterior precordial leads (leads V1-V3) Slurred S waves in leads I, aVL and frequently V5 and V6.

Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB) Ecg Criteria

The ECG criteria for diagnosing right bundle branch block (RBBB) typically include the following:

QRS duration greater than 120 milliseconds: The QRS complex, which represents ventricular depolarization, is wider than normal due to delayed activation of the right ventricle.

rsR’ “bunny ear” pattern in the anterior precordial leads (leads V1-V3): The QRS complex shows an initial small r wave, followed by a larger R wave, and a second smaller r’ wave that gives the appearance of bunny ears.

Slurred S waves in leads I, aVL and frequently V5 and V6: The S wave, which represents initial negative deflection in the QRS complex, is prolonged and has a slurred appearance in the lateral leads I, aVL, and V5-V6.

Right Bundle Branch Block RBBB Ecg Criteria Definition

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