7 Low Stress Jobs To Consider ASAP!

Pulling your hair out at the sight of another email from the boss? The American Institute of Stress survey found that 77% of Americans routinely experience physical symptoms triggered by stress; 76% identified their professional life and their finances as leading causes of their anxiety.
When it comes to identifying low-stress jobs, the AIS points out that every individual has different needs. Each person’s ideal office environment is unique, so it’s difficult to formulate a composite of a low-stress job that is applicable to all workers. One source of tension that the institute identifies for employees has to do with their level of control on the job. The AIS found “workers who perceive they are subjected to high demands but have little control are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.”

If you are looking to lighten your stress load, consider these roles.

  1. Speech Language Pathologist
  2. Freelance Writer
  3. Personal Trainer
  4. Baker
  5. Archivist
  6. Optometrist
  7. Barber

15 thoughts on “7 Low Stress Jobs To Consider ASAP!”

  1. FYI: many universities have warned prospective students about the high levels of stress studying to become a speech-language pathologist. However, actually working in the field of speech-language pathology stress levels supersedes the level of stress in graduate school. I challenge the person that wrote this article to investigate the criteria for several graduate speech and language programs within the United States follow by investigating school SLPs as well as SLPs in medical rehab as well as across the medical realm and if you still have the energy, investigate the SLPs in the private sector. Then come back and write about the stress level of an SLP.

  2. You are completely clueless if you think being a speech pathologist isn’t stressful. Not only should it not be on your little list, but you actually made it number 1! Really? Maybe do a little research for your next article. Nice try but no cigar.

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