7 Low Stress Jobs To Consider ASAP!

Pulling your hair out at the sight of another email from the boss? The American Institute of Stress survey found that 77% of Americans routinely experience physical symptoms triggered by stress; 76% identified their professional life and their finances as leading causes of their anxiety.
When it comes to identifying low-stress jobs, the AIS points out that every individual has different needs. Each person’s ideal office environment is unique, so it’s difficult to formulate a composite of a low-stress job that is applicable to all workers. One source of tension that the institute identifies for employees has to do with their level of control on the job. The AIS found “workers who perceive they are subjected to high demands but have little control are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.”

If you are looking to lighten your stress load, consider these roles.

  1. Speech Language Pathologist
  2. Freelance Writer
  3. Personal Trainer
  4. Baker
  5. Archivist
  6. Optometrist
  7. Barber

15 thoughts on “7 Low Stress Jobs To Consider ASAP!”

  1. I wish being an SLP was a low stress job. I guess we do it do so well that it looks like it’s low stress from the outside looking in perspective. Perception is everything.

    1. I have had many teachers tell me that they were going back to school to become an SLP but once they were told about the courses required…the teachers decided to take a different route to success, no longer pursuing to become an SLP/Speech-Language Pathologist.

  2. As a certified and practicing Speech Language Pathologist for the past 8 years, I must say, your assessment of my profession is really off base. It is highly stressful. You clearly have never had a conversation with a SLP about their job.

  3. Ummm….being an SLP is very stressful, rewarding but stressful. What a dumb article!!!! Research please…plus it takes 6 years of schooling completed with a required master’s degree and then a 9 month clinical fellowship. How could that compare to a baker??? Stupid!!!

  4. you clearly have not spent any time with a speech pathologist… what a joke! I dare you to spend the day with me…

  5. I don’t know how you came up with Speech Pathologist as a low stress job but you are way off base! If low stress is what you’re looking for keep looking people!!

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